After doing lots of applique I was feeling a little wonky trying to attempt some piecing work. So when I saw that our local patchwork store, The Stitching Post - (great name as the store is attached to a Post Office), was offering a class making a beautiful quilt that is pieced I immediately enrolled. I have only sewn a couple of pieces together so no photos yet, lets just say watch this space.
I have been pointed to the a blog which is really great, have a look if you have some spare time, actually allow quite a bit of time!
Links to lots of lovely online tutorials and patterns, all sorted into categories - but be warned serious quilt making cravings likely if you spend too much time here.
As you can see this blog is called, Quilts, Weight and Life - I haven't written much about weight recently probably doing the old ostrich trick of burying my head in the sand. But something snapped, enough is enough, I made an appointment with a dietitian and she suggested I try eating more food, yes that's right I wasn't eating enough - hard to believe. Along with more I should try and incorporate low G I foods. Well a week and a bit later and I have already lost 4 kilos. I know some of that is the initial rush of loss but I am confident with this new eating plan and will let you know of my progress.
A terrific web site for info on low GI eating is
So that is about all today, I will keep you posted on my class and my weight, keep smiling.... I feel I need to leave some sort of picture here so I have included a photo taken on a recent holiday.