Well I have finally something to flaunt. What a silly word, flaunt, flaunt, flaunt.
What is a flaunt? I have just looked it up, it is to show off, well I guess I am showing off but doesn't that make it sound a bit arrogant? Oh well, I suppose sometimes you shouldn’t over analyse things...
Anyway I have been going to the class and after wanting to quit as I just couldn't get it to work I have overcome some hurdles , mainly me, and actually put together some blocks. I am really pleased with the results. Can't wait to finsih it now.
I have now joined together all nine of my big basket blocks (15 1/2 inches) and have made four smaller blocks (6 1/2 inches) these are to go in sashing between the rows of big baskets. I will make a total of twelve smaller blocks. It is quite good fun. It actually takes longer to cut out the blocks than to do the sewing!
In my last post I mentioned that I was looking forward to seeing "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Well I have got to say what a dissappointment! Nobody told me it was a subtitled film. I am just not into reading movies! I want to watch a film, and enjoy the big picture. I was lucky in that I had read the book so I could stop reading sometimes and not miss much however Brian, my husband hadn't read the book so he was solidly reading. When we left the cinema I checked the posters and there was nothing to say it was foreign language. Not happy!
Well let's just say the dietitian is not going to be too impresses this month! Well there was Easter to contend with as well as school holidays. I will be better next month.
I love your blocks and you might be able to distract the dietitian if you discuss your flaunt rather than your food.
Flaunt was chosen as it was the first word to turn up in my thesaurus which began with an F and meant the same thing as a brag... and yes it is meant to be a brag about something you have done.
For some of us it is a Frenzied Friday Flaunt :) and when/if I finally finish something it will be a Finally Finished Frenzied Friday Flaunt...
Love your basket blocks Helen, the colours are especially pretty too!
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