Even though the title of this post suggests the two go hand in hand they don't!
Mystery Quilt status - finally finished cutting and started on the sewing, not getting very far though. At the moment I have a sore back so sewing time is limited as I can't sit for too long otherwise I am in pain and walk around all hunched over. Still slow and steady wins the race.
Weight status - still there! However there is a little less of it as I decided to join Weight Watchers. I went to the first meeting last Wednesday, it was quite good. The leader showed me her "fat" pictures so it does work as she couldn't have "fat" pictures taken of her anymore. All the other ladies were very friendly so much so that I am actually looking forward to going back next week. Hopefully I will record a loss, I should as I am being very good.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
I belong to some online patchwork groups and through these groups I often participate in swaps. One such swap has just finished,and I have all the blocks home. It was an initial swap, this is where you cut out 12 pieces of fabric and onto one of them sew and initial. The twelve blocks then get posted to the next member of the swap and they sew something starting with the initial, then they forward it to the next person. Eventually (well 12 months later) the pieces of fabric all arrive back at your house having all been sewn on. It is good fun, it also ensures that at least one day a month there will be something other than bills in your letter box!
Anyway I have a photo of my initial swap blocks that I received home. If you are interested in looking at any groups yahoo is a good starting point.
This swap was through SCQIS.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Addison's Disease
Firstly I should say I am still cutting out my fabrics for the mystery quilt. Hopefully I will finish today! Even more hopefully I will make a start on the sewing, as it is Saturday the next set of instructions will be posted....
Have you heard of Addison's Disease?
"Addison's disease is a rare endocrine, or hormonal disorder that affects about 1 in 100,000 people. It occurs in all age groups and afflicts men and women equally. The disease is characterized by weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and sometimes darkening of the skin in both exposed and nonexposed parts of the body." http://www.addisons.org.au
I am one of the the rare people with the disease and as such regularly see a specialist. I am on various medications and the steroids are playing havoc with my weight. Let me tell you I have never been a slim person, with the exception of when the Addison's was brewing, however I am now quite overweight...Anyway the fact is I have to lose weight. I feel like a blob. YUK!
But how? I have tried many diets and can't last very long. I look at things like Jenny Craig then look at the enormous cost. HELP I say!!! I realise there is no easy quick fix solution but I need a plan that I can stick to long term. So I have my thinking cap on.
Have you heard of Addison's Disease?
"Addison's disease is a rare endocrine, or hormonal disorder that affects about 1 in 100,000 people. It occurs in all age groups and afflicts men and women equally. The disease is characterized by weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and sometimes darkening of the skin in both exposed and nonexposed parts of the body." http://www.addisons.org.au
I am one of the the rare people with the disease and as such regularly see a specialist. I am on various medications and the steroids are playing havoc with my weight. Let me tell you I have never been a slim person, with the exception of when the Addison's was brewing, however I am now quite overweight...Anyway the fact is I have to lose weight. I feel like a blob. YUK!
But how? I have tried many diets and can't last very long. I look at things like Jenny Craig then look at the enormous cost. HELP I say!!! I realise there is no easy quick fix solution but I need a plan that I can stick to long term. So I have my thinking cap on.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Mystery Quilt
If you search on line you are able to find many things. One of the things I enjoy is online groups, in particular patchwork groups. I am a member of four such groups and through these have met many people and challenged myself by joining in various swaps. Swaps such as initial block swaps, theme swaps, round robins and so on. At the moment I am just starting a mystery quilt through one of these groups.
A mystery quilt is just that you don't know what the quilt will look like.It is run like this First the fabric requirements are posted to the list a few weeks before the stitching day Then the cutting instructions are posted.Then on the day decided starting a 9 am the first lot of sewing instructions are posted to the net.The next lot follow a week later, then another lot the following week and so on until all the sewing instructions have been posted to the group. MQ's are fun to do and some ladies organise a few to get together at one house and sew.The only person who knows exactly what the top will look like is the'hostess'.
I have chosen my fabrics and have just begun cutting them out. I have to admit here the first two sets of sewing instructions are all ready out but I am a little behind.
Anyway online groups can be fun, why not have a look for one that would interest you?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My second blog..this time for me!

Hello, as the title suggests this is my second blog. The first I had to write..or do..not sure of correct term there but either way it was a requirement for my job. Don't get me wrong I actually enjoyed writng it but didn't feel I could add more personal things so hence this blog.
The title pretty much somes it up, yes I love to quilt, yes I do have weight issues and yes my life revolves around so much I couldn't some it up in a short quirky title.
I guess I hope to show you some of my quilting, perhaps inspire the odd person and I hope to over time address some of my weight issues and just basically chat about life in general.
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